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Youth Services

Speech Contest
Jaiya Moves On to Finals!!
Congratulations to Jaiya!!
Speech Contest!

District Speech Contest - 2023
Purpose The District Speech Contest is an opportunity to share the mission, vision, and values of Rotary International with the youth of District 6890. Through engagement in a public speaking activity that focuses on the Rotary International theme, youth of District 6890 are able to practice speaking skills while learning about Rotary.
History and Administration The District Governor appoints a District Speech Contest Chair from among District Rotarians to lead the process which consists of Club, Group, and District Level competitions. Assistant District Governors coordinate the Club and Group Level competitions that yield participants for District Finals. The District Finals competition is managed by the District Speech Contest Chair.
Contest rules are promulgated to ensure fairness and consistency among all levels of competition.
Who Contestant may be a freshman, sophomore, junior, or senior (9-12 grade) enrolled in a public, private, or home school, and may have competed and won in previous years.
Length Five to seven minutes with a fifteen second leeway (five points off for going over or under time).
Delivery Notes may be used but are discouraged at local Club Level; reading is also discouraged. Notes will not be allowed at Group Level or District Finals competitions. Memorized speeches are impressive and will earn points.
Topic Material must be original in content and apply to the current Rotary theme, “Imagine Rotary”. Contestants should prepare a speech with facts, statistics, stories, examples, and quotations. Humor and personal touches may be added, but contestants must not mention their name, school, or city. At the District Finals, the sponsoring Rotary Club may not be mentioned in the speech.